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We grow your business where we want it to be by bringing the right people together. 

With proven strategies and a strong network of best-in-their-field investors, M&A specialists, entrepreneurs, and financiers.

Together with the right mix we create are interested in acquiring, merging or partnering your companies with our portfolio companies and new companies in the market. 

We focus on creating shareholder value, while we let the business focus on creating customer value. A great combination to let businesses grow faster than any new marketing hack will ever do. 


Grow your business

To grow your business we  believe in the power of collaboration. It's "who" not "how". The next things in your journey have already been walked by someone else.  

Sell your business

Looking to sell your company? Want to retire or just a cash out? We make bring in paper what you can expect from us and what we expect from you in plain English, as are our contracts. 

Partner for synergy

Looking for a strategic partnership for your business? We add value to the business and personal desires of the business owner. We want you to see us as a great partner of tremendous value, or we don't want to be involved. 

"While you focus on organic growth, we built an ecosystem of companies around your business"

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Wall of ideas

Creating equility through the capital markets 

Creating more profitable exits for business owners

Entrepreneurship is creating an offer that is more valuable than the compensation. These offers create decade after decade more prosperity in our society. 

The higher exits we create for these entrepreneurs will likely be reinvested in new businesses that will serve new offers for their local society they live in. 



Olaf Bosma

As a founder myself I have seen hundreds of business owners struggle to raise capital, creating stable growth and planning successfully for exit. That's why I founded NGC to partner with 350+ investors, private equity firms, and angel investors to create growth for small businesses.


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